Announcement of 30-day tourney Marianka Cup C 30.7.2013

English version of the announcement

Theme: Twomover (#2) with any content, using grasshopper. The number of used grasshoppers in unlimited, other fairy elements (pieces, conditions) are not allowed. The theme is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of grasshopper as fairy piece.

The tourney is open only for participants of the festival (this includes joint problems where at least one author will be present in Marianka), the winner would be awarded the Festival Cup Marianka 2013. The closing date is the July 30th, 2013, with entries to the director and judge Juraj Brabec - (only by e-mail).

Slovenská verzia vypísania

Téma: Dvojťažka s ľubovoľným obsahom, v ktorej okrem ortodoxných figúr je použitý cvrček. Počet cvrčkov je neobmedzený, iné exoprvky (figúry, podmienky) nie sú povolené. Téma je venovaná stému výročiu vzniku tejto exofigúry.

Turnaj je vypísaný len pre tých skladateľov, ktorí sa zúčastnia festivalu (to zahŕňa spoločné úlohy, z autorov ktorých aspoň jeden bude prítomný v Marianke), víťaz získa Pohár festivalu Marianka 2013. Zasielacia lehota 30. 7. 2013 na adresu usporiadateľa a rozhodcu Juraj Brabca - (len e-mailom)

Examples on CCM so far

#2 with grasshoppers were quite popular in history, even if recently there are created less often than it used to be earlier. The following authors have their #2 with grasshoppers only and with no fairy conditions already shown on CCM:

New examples

Julio Peris Pardo
1st Prize El Ajedrez Espanol 1942

1.Gd2! th. 2.Se5#
1...Gc3 2.Ga2#
1...Gc5 2.Ga6#
1...Sf4 2.Gxf4#
1...f6 2.Ge6#

Two main variations show incarceration of black rooks and as a consequence mates over immobilized units.

#2 (5+14)
2+2 grasshopper

Waldemar Tura
4th Commendation Probleemblad 1985

1.Rc4? th. 2.Qe4# A
1...Bd4! a

1.Bc4? th. 2.Qe6# B
1...Sd5! b

1.Gc4! th. 2.Rf8#
1...Bd4 a 2.Qe4# A
1...Sd5 b 2.Qe6# B
1...Sd7 2.Bxd7#
1...f3 2.Rxf3#

Clearcut example of typical grasshopper strategy in the change of move function. Orthodox linemovers guard e4 and e6 from c4, but they can be shut off on d4 and d5. Grasshopper on c4 does not guard any of two squares, but the same defences now provide hurdles for guarding e4 and e6. As a result we get pure Dombrovskis.

#2 (7+9)
1+1 grasshopper

Edgar Holladay
3rd Honourable Mention Probleemblad 1974

1.Qg3! th. 2.Qf4#
1...Sc6 2.Qf3#
1...Se2 2.Qe5#
1...Sb3 2.Sxc3#
1...Sf5 2.Qd3#
1...Sb5 2.Sxc5#
1...Sf3 2.Bd5#
1...Sc2 2.Bxh7#
1...Se6 2.Qe3#
1...Gh4 2.Qd3#
1...Gxg3 2.Re5#

Wheel of Sd4 is further unified by black errors: in all cases it is closing of the black line. While 1...Sb5 and 1...Sb3 close normal lines of black rooks, all other knight moves close black grasshopper lines with bK as a hurdle.

#2 (8+14)
0+7 grasshopper

Waldemar Tura
1st Prize Revista Romana de Sah 1990-91

1...Gh2 2.Ge5#
1...Gxf3 2.Ge6#

1.Kc6? th. 2.Sd5#
1...Gxf3 2.Gc7#
1...Gaa8 2.Ge5#

1.Kc5! th. 2.Sd5#
1...Gxf3 2.Gc6#
1...Ga5 2.Ge5#

An instructive example of changed play in three phases: mate after 1...Gxf3 is changed three times (wK moves and as a result arrival square of battery mate is changed), while antibattery mate on e5 is three time transferred (depending on which bG guards d6 over wK). Z-32-44 composed of Z-31-13 and Z-31-31.

#2 (9+11)
3+5 grasshopper

Sven Trommler
4th Commendation 3rd M. Grudzinska MT 2004-05

1...Gf6 a 2.e3# A
1...Gf7 b 2.e4# B

1.Gf7? th. 2.e4# B,e3# A
1...Gf6! a

1.Gf8? th. 2.e4# B,e3# A
1...Gf7! b

1.Gb2! th. 2.Qc1#
1...Ge1 2.e3#
1...Kf1 2.e4#

This modern mechanism includes not only move function changes, but also multiple threats. In the set play moves of bGs to fire white direct pawn battery, combined with indirect battery to f1 and indirect antibattery to f3. Two tries guard f3, threatening both pawn moves as mates, now grasshopper defences defend by line closing (resulting in 4 D-paradoxes). In the solution white creates another battery, with grasshopper as rear and queen as firing piece. Unfortunately, both black thematical defences do not defend and moreover allow set mates.

#2 (10+9)
3+4 grasshopper

Hans Peter Rehm
1st Prize Feenschach 1967

1...Rxf5 2.Sf3#

1.gxf4! th. 2.Rxg5#, Se3#
1...Rxf5 2.Rf3#
1...exf5 2.f3#
1...Bxf5 2.Bf3#
1...Sxf5 2.Sf3#
(1...Kxf5 2.Se3#
1...Bxf4 2.Rxf4#)

Four thematical defences to f5 (by R, P, B, S) lead to four thematical antibattery mates to f3 (by R, P, B, S respectively). As there is dual avoindance in each variation, it is in fact Stocchi quadruple avoidance with additional unification.

#2 (11+12)
3+1 grasshopper

Vasil Dyachuk
1st Prize Shakhmatnaja Kompozicia 2004

1.Ge4? th. 2.Gfd5# A
1...Kd6 a 2.Gdd5# B
1...Kxe4 b 2.Gbd5# C

1.Gd6! th. 2.Gdd5# B
1...Kxd6 a 2.Gbd5# C
1...Ke4 b 2.Gfd5# A

The try and the solution show a remarkable analogy resulting in the Shedey cycle. Both keys provide hurdle to threat mate and at the same time remove one distant guard by grasshopper (on c7/e3). This guard has to be renewed after non-capturing defences by bK, while after capturing defences the third grasshopper has to be used to keep the original guards.

#2 (12+5)
8+1 grasshopper

Jacques Savournin
3rd Prize diagrammes 1978

1.Rc4! zz
1...Gf4 2.Sec3#
1...Gb4 2.Rcc3#
1...Gxd2 2.Rdc3#
1...Gxd6 2.Sdc3#
1...Gb6 2.G5c3#
1...Gf2 2.Gec3#
1...Ga1+ 2.Gac3#
1...Gh8 2.Be5#

Black Gd4 jumps to 8 different squares in the zugzwang position. To avoid return defences by bG, 6 of mates are given by just used hurdles to c3. One further mate to c3 is motivate by check (provoked by the key), and the last defence to h8 is met by direct check on the opened line.

#2 (16+2)
6+1 grasshopper

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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