Examples for Bedrich Formánek 70 JT - 2

The tourney is announced for twomovers with very few fairy units. Announcement of the tourney see here.
In this file you can find some other examples showing as an addition to required theme also Lacny cycle.
Marián Krizovensky
Sachove umenie 9/1979

1.Gh2? zz
1...Re8, d4, f4
2.Qf4#, Qxd4#, Qxe5#

1.Qf6! zz
1...Re8, d4, f4
2.Qxd4#, Qxe5#, Qf4#

Lacny cycle using the only grasshopper.

#2 (6+5)
grasshopper b2

Per Grevlund
feenschach 8-9/1975

1...Kb6, Kxc4, Kd6
2.Qxd4#, Qxb5#, Qb4#

1.Sc6! zz
1...Kb6, Kxc4, Kd6
2.Qxb5#, Qb4#, Qxd4#

Lacny cycle with 3 king defences by moves to flights in the Y-shape. In fact orthodox mechanism.

#2 (9+5)
1+1 grasshopper

Slobodan Mladenovic
Die Schwalbe December 1989

1.Qa3? zz
1...Kxc5, Kc3, Gb4~
2.Be3#, Se4#, Bf6#

1.Qa5! zz
1...Kxc5, Kc3, Gb4~
2.Se4#, Bf6#, Be3#

Some elements of this mechanism are orthodox, obviously, but use of fairy possibilities is unusually good as well. Just look at the solution. Key sets line a5-c3 and guards b6. After 1...Kxc5 the mate with indirect antibattery (!) follows. After 1...Kxc3 bG appears pinned and thus the mate can be given exploiting this pin. The last variation is orthodox, White uses opening of wQ to one of flights.

#2 (11+2)
1+1 grasshopper

Miroslav Stosic
10th Place TT Sinfonie Scacchistiche 1969

1...S~ a 2.f3# A
1...Sf3! b 2.d3# B
1...Sd3! c 2.TRxd3-e3# C

1.TRg3! zz
1...S~ a 2.d3# B
1...Sf3! b 2.TRxf3-e3# C
1...Sd3! c 2.f3# A

Believe it or not, it is one of problems that slipped from Peter Gvozdják's view when he was preparing his book Cyclone. He had the book of Miroslav Stosic's selected problems, he browsed it but nevertheless, he failed to notice this twomover. Pity - it is probably the first problem showing Lacny cycle after random move and two black corrections (or in other words, secondary Shedey cycle)!

#2 (6+2)
triton c3

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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