Same fairy pieces starting in helpmate 3

This is the 3rd special example file for 19th TT CCM.

In the 2nd special example file we have seen a few problems with a lot of pieces on the board. Now it is time to investigate what was shown with only few pieces. Let's have just two white pieces on the diagram. Of course, as we are moving deeply in the fairy land, white pieces need not be necessarily king + something...

André Bantegnie
2nd Comm Messigny 1997

a) 1.ELb6 ELh4 2.ELhb5 ELe7#

b) 1.ELe6 ELh4 2.ELhe5 ELb4#

In this case white elephant has to be pinned well as otherwise he would be able to mate the black king easily on the edge. To have the same first white move is unfortunate. Echo.

h#2 (2+3)
1+2 elephant
b) c6 -» d5

Bo Lindgren
feenschach 71 - 1984

1...rQe6(K) 2.rQe8(K) Rg8#

1.rQa5(K) rQc4(K) 2.Ka4 Ra6#

1.rQh5(K) rQf4(K) 2.Kh4 Rh6#

1.rQb8(K) rQc6(K) 2.Kc8 Rg8#

1.rQf1(K) rQe3(K) 2.Ke1 Rg1#

Strange fairy condition, this Prince. It says that royal piece transforms into ordinary king after the first own move. So here it is used for the quick transportation of the black king to all edges of the board. As a result we get 5 easy echo mates.

h#2* (2+1)
Prince, 1+1 royal queen

Václav Kotesovec
4730 Problemkiste 119 - 1998

1.Mab6 Ma7 2.Ka5 Mb4 3.Ma6 Mc6#

1.Mb7 Mb4+ 2.Rb6 Ka4 3.Ma7 Mc7#

Moose is among my beloved fairy pieces. It is sometimes too hard to visualize its movement, especially in the crowded position, but here everything is clear. In the first solution white moose makes roundtrip c6-a7-b4-c6, the second solution ends with echo mate.

h#3 (2+4)
1+2 moose

Elmar Bartel
Erich Bartel

5640 Die Schwalbe 101 - 1986

a) 1.rSFe5 rSFc7 2.rSFd7 rSFb5 3.rSFb8 SF4c6#

b) 1.rSFf5 rSFg5 2.rSFe7 SFd5+ 3.rSFg8 SFdf6#

c) 1.rSFf5 rSFg5 2.rSFg3 rSF5h3 3.rSFh1 SFgf2#

d) 1.rSFc5 rSFe5 2.rSFb3 rSFd3 3.rSFa1 SFbc2#

And again echo mates, this time doubled. One pair uses white pieces closely connected, with black royal piece on b8 and g8, the other pair with corner mates has white pieces one knigh jump away.

h#3 (2+1)
knight+fers b4, royal knight+fers a8 - d4
b) a8 -» f7
c) = b) + b4 -» g1
d) = c) + g1 -» b1

Daniel Novomesky
8770 feenschach 148 - 2002

1...Gc4 2.Gg2 Ge6 3.Ge2 Gc4 4.Gb5 Ga6 5.rFEc6 Gc4 6.Gd3 rNHb4 7.Gb5 Ga6 8.rFEb7 Gc4 9.Gb3 Ga4 10.Gb5 Gc6 11.Gd7 rNHd8 12.rFEc8 Ge8#

1...Gf1 2.Ge6 Gf3 3.rFEe4 Gd5 4.Gc4 rNHd6 5.Gf4 Gd7 6.rFEf5 Gd5 7.Gf6 Gd7 8.rFEg6 Gd5 9.Gc6 Gd7 10.Ge6 Gf5 11.Gg4 rNHh4 12.rFEh5 Gh3#

Fifth problem in this file and it is the fifth echo. Quite exotic one. Length of the play is motivated by the fact, that nightrider-hopper can move only time to time, in the meantime white must amoneuvre extensively with grasshopper. Mate uses Köko, by the way, as black royal fers cannot move away thank to the condition.

What else can be shown with only two white pieces, besides echos? The field is free to explore...

h#11,5 (2+2)
1+1 grasshopper
royal nightrider-hopper f2, royal fers d5

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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