Same fairy pieces starting in helpmate 2

This is the 2nd special example file for 19th TT CCM.

We have already seen various motivations in both economic and crowded positions. But a lot of pieces on the board needn't necessarily mean that the problem is badly constructed. It might mean that the idea itself requires a lot of wood or that despite simple basic scheme the soundness cannot be achieved without hard fight against cooks. So below I have selected 5 problems with at least 16 pieces on the board, but where most of moves, if not all, are played by the same type of fairy piece.

Václav Kotesovec
dedicated to Klaus Wenda - 50
7433 Schwalbe 130/1991

1.Gxa1 Gc2 2.Gc7 Ge2#

1.Gxd4 Ge3 2.Gh7 Gc1#

1.Gxg4 Gf2 2.Gh3 Gd2#

In the diagram position the black has not many moves avilable. In fact any possible move solves. Black grasshoppers are pinned to paralyse white grasshoppers aimed at bK. So Black captures on of them. Then white moves away with hurdle in a reversible way, Black jumps away with paralysing grasshopper and White mates by switchback. Now come the complications. Why White cannot continue 1...Gf2 after 1.Gxa1? And 1...Gc2 after 1.Gxd4? And 1...Ge3 after 1.Gxg4? That the core of the problem in my view and it seems miraculous that without much pain everything works smoothly.

From among already shown problems it slightly resembles h#2 by Juraj Lörinc, but is more complicated and less symmetric.

h#2 (8+8)
Madrasi RI
7+4 grasshopper

Unto Heinonen
1st Prize Springaren Christmas Tourney 1994-1995

1.Ge6+ Ghb4 2.Gdb3+ Ge7#

1.Gf6+ Gbb4 2.Ghb3+ Ge7#

1.Gd7+ Geb4 2.Gb3+ Ge7#

One of the problems that absolutely stunned me when I saw them for the first time and that I remembered forever from that moment. To my surprise I have not it on CCM yet, so its time has come.

On h-file, first row and NW-SE diagonal we have familiar chinese (or lion, if you want) pin-battery configurations. To mate, it is necessary to put wG on b4 (guarding b6 and d4), something to b3 (as a hurdle for Ga2 guarding c4) and give check, e.g. with wG from e7. So black grasshoppers jumps cyclically to b6, prepare hurdle for wG jump to e7 or stay on line, while white grasshoppers cyclically guard b4 passively, jump to b4 and mate from e7. Everything works perfectly here, strategy, geometry and formalism. (The only small defect is that 1.Gf6 opens line of Gh3 to b3 - not repeated in any other phase.)

h#2 (9+10)
4+3 grasshopper, 0+3 lion

Chris J. Feather
5 Broodings 19 - July 2004

1.LOxd2-d1 LOxg5-h6+ 2.Re6+ LOxb6-b5#

1.LOxe3-f2 LOxg5-h6+ 2.Be6 LOxd6-d5#

This problem is specific in the fact that it is wGa6, non-19th-TT-thematic piece that mates. Grasshoppers stays still while almost all the work is done by locusts. They clear a6-f6 line, pin from behind black hurdle on e6 and by the way actively guard 5-th row. There is dual-avoidance motif in the B2 as Re4 opens Gf3 to c6, while Bb3 opens Gb1 to b6. The check in Re6+ move is slightly unfortunate, but placing wK on a8 avoids quite a few cooks.

h#2 (6+11)
4+2 locust, 1+2 grasshopper

Václav Kotesovec
1st Prize Vladislav Bunka 60 JT 1997

1.Gh3 Gd3 2.Gf1 Gh3 3.Gb5 Gf3#

1.Gxg4 Gd7 2.Ge2 Gg4 3.Gb5 Ge6#

1.Ga6 Gb8 2.Gd3 Gxe8 3.Gb5 Gc8#

To mate Black, it is enough to block b5 and check. The author managed to achieve that by means of tripled exchange of places between wG and bG.

h#3 (5+12)
1+3 grasshopper

Torsten Linß
Hans Peter Rehm

3017 Phénix 69, December 1998

a) 1.LI7c7 LIg6+ 2.LIb6 LIh1+ 3.f2+ LIg2#

b) 1.LI2c7 LIg2+ 2.LIb7 LIh6+ 3.f5+ LIg6#

Black lions block c7 and the square behind bK, white lions exchange their roles of rear and hurdle piece of antibattery. Rook lion d8 is unfortunate but I can well image constructional difficulties with so strong white material.

h#3 (4+13)
2+3 lion, 1+0 rook lion
b) f3 «-» f6

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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