Originals from Pat a Mat 29 - first part

This is the 1st of 4 files containing Pat a Mat 29 originals. The others are:
Second part
Third part
Fourth part

The solutions are already here. Note Slovak signs for pieces: K - king, D - queen, V - rook, S - bishop, J - knight, p - pawn.

Comments to #2 and #3 originals, originally in Slovak, are by Peter Gvozdják and Karol Mlynka respectively. Translated to English by Juraj Lörinc.

Aleksej Vdovenko
Albert Sachnazarjan

Kerc, UKR
764 Pat a Mat 29 - June 2000

Comment on original for solving:
Ukrainian pair presents changes of mates with added tries.


1.De1+? 1...Kf7, Kd5 2.De8, De4#, 1...Kxd7!,
1.Dh2! t, 1...Kf7, Kd5 2.Da2, Dd6#.

Change of 2 mates in "almost" miniature. Little... (PG)

#2 (7+1)

Philippe Robert
Paris, F
765 Pat a Mat 29 - June 2000

Comment on original for solving:
Phillipe worked out Lender combination.


1.Dxc7?A hr. 2.Jbd5B#, 1...Jh4, Jxe5 2.e6C, Vf1D#, 1...Vf6!,
1.e6!C hr. 2.Vf1D#, 1...Jh4, Je5 2.Dxc7A, Jbd5B#.

Lender combination (synthesis of key-mate reversal and le Grand). "...with a mechanism probably new (as I think): pinning and unpinning of the thematic WS." (author)

#2 (9+10)

Vasilij Markovcij
766 Pat a Mat 29 - June 2000

Comment on original for solving:
Vasilij did cycle of pieces playing in key, threat and mate.


1.Da7? [A] hr. 2.Ve4# [B], 1...Vxe5 2.Jxe6# [C], 1...cxb1D!,
1.Ve3! [B] hr. 2.Jxe6# [C], 1...Vxe5 2.Dxe5# [A].

'Djurasevic' in play of white pieces: D, V, J. (author)

It is very free interpretation of Djurasevic though. (JL)

#2 (15+10)

Vladimir Kozhakin
Magadan, RUS
767 Pat a Mat 29 - June 2000

Comment on original for solving:
Author of 767 and ...


1.Kf2! zz, Kh5, Kh4, Kh3 2.Kg3, De6, Sf5+etc.

Number of pieces absolutely given above the content. (KM)

#3 (3+3)

Vladimir Kozhakin
Magadan, RUS
768 Pat a Mat 29 - June 2000

Comment on original for solving:
... 768 recently issued world antology containing 40000 orthodox miniatures. This second problem has the easily seen common point with ...


a) 1.Kd2? Kb3!
1.Dc5+! Kd3, Kb3 2.Dd4+, Jb6 etc.

b) 1.Jb6+! Kd3, Kb3 2.Dd5+, Da4+ etc.

Twin-phase change of attacks after checking keys. (KM)

#3 (5+3)
b) g6 -» d5

Karol Mlynka
Bratislava, SVK
769 Pat a Mat 29 - June 2000

Comment on original for solving:
... 769 where the idea lies in "logic in Slovak style": if it's impossible using silent way (try the tries at g3), it is necessary to use more energy and to return to main plans later - but with shortened finishes!


1.Sg3?A zz S~a, exd6b 2.Df8C, Vf7D a 3.Vf1#, 1...Sa6!
1.Kg3?B zz a 2.Dh8E ~ 3.Dh2#, 1...b! /2.Vh7?F/,

1.Vg2+! Kf1 2.A ab 3.CD, 1...Kh1 2.B ab 3.EF.

"Main plans" from tries started by moves to the same square have long zugzwang continuations, but thanks to checking key 2nd moves may appear as the mates of subvariant change: IZ-22-24. (author)

#3 (14+4)

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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