Fairy helpmates with echo diagonal-orthogonal 2

This is the 2nd special example file for 14th TT CCM. This time I tried to show vat\rious works of authors that are quite active in the field of D-O echo fairy helpmates.
Torsten Linß
F784, The Problemist 1984

a) 1.VAg4 LEf2 2.Kf5 MAf3#

b) 1.PAc6 LEb3 2.Ke6 MAc4#

Some elements are well matched, some are unique. E.g. there is not anything like blocking of VAg4 in the b) position. But the critical moves of wLE and antibattery mates are OK.

h#2 (4+7)
1+1 mao (b6), 1+1 leo (c2), 0+2 pao, 0+1 vao
b) h5 -» g5

Hans-Peter Reich
Manfred Rittirsch

1st Prize Europa Rochade 1986-1987

1.Rh3 Bxc4 2.Qh5 Rxd6#

1.Bg4 Rxd6 2.Qf3 Bxc4#

Inversion of white moves has Madrasi motivation. Paralysing neutralisations of mating checks is impossible due to unparalysing of the other white line piece.

h#2 (4+9)

Harry Fougiaxis
3rd Comm 1st TT Phénix 1989-91

a) 1.Sc3 Sd6 2.Sxc6 Sdf7#

b) 1.Se2 Sc6 2.Sxd6 S6a5#

Although both sides play only with knights, there is very strong D-O analogy of position. Pinning and unpinning on both sides of bK are typical for locusts.

h#2 (6+10)
2+6 locust
b) c6 -» d6

Chris J. Feather
1419 Phénix 19 - 1992

1.Qxg3 Gc5+ 2.Kc3 Gc1#

1.Qxg1 Gc3+ 2.Kc5 Gf8#

Black queen must open D-O line for one of Gg1, Gg3 pair, but she mustn't pin Gf4, that's why she captures grasshopper playing in the other solution in W1. Then bK walks intomating nets and white gives O-D mate.

h#2 (10+9)
7+0 grasshopper

Michal Dragoun
15th Place 5th WCCT 1993-1997

a) 1.Bxd2(w) Sc7 2.Qg4 Bb4#

b) 1.Rxg3(w) Sd7 2.Qc2 Rg6#

B1 change rear pieces of O-D white masked batteries, but opens O-D black guard lines of D-O mates. That's why in B2 Black makes very long anti-Bristol O-D moves by bQ. Fine analogy with quite strong white material for Andernach helpmate.

h#2 (7+11)
Andernach chess
b) a4 -» h7

Christian Poisson
F099 Probleemblad March 1999

1.Kd1 Sf6 2.Sc2+ Se4 3.Qc1 Sc3#

1.Ke1 Se5 2.Se2+ CGd4 3.Qf1 Sd3#

Less usual form of echo diagonal-orthogonal. There are no signs of it in the initial position, however there are more its elements during the play than you would expect! B1 is D-O move of bK, B2 sets bS on the O-D line leading from 1st row to potential mating square, B3 is blocking D-O move of bQ, W3 is mating move activating indirect D-O antibattery.

h#3 (3+3)
1+0 contragrasshopper

Franz Pachl
8199 feenschach 137 - 2000

1...Bd4 2.Qxd4 Gh8 3.Qd2 Rc3#

1...Re3 2.Qxe3 Gg3 3.Qc1 Bc3#

White has to evacuate D-O lines, but there is only one such way. He must sacrifice his B-R, then there are O-D G moves. Black queen makes O-D move and White mates by R-B, activating D-O antibattery.

h#2,5 (10+6)
3+0 grasshopper

Michel Caillaud
Uri Avner

Prize Nunspeet 2001

1.Bc6 Rdd5 2.Rxf8 Bg6#

1.Rc6 Bc5 2.Bxd7 Rg6#

Very strong D-O analogy and colourful Mars Circe play.

h#2 (5+9)
Mars Circe

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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