Originals from Springaren 71

Once upon a time I have been solving much more than today. By chance I went over old issue of Springaren where I have solved quite a few problems. I selected a few of them, unfortunately I remember almost no comments I have written to the magazine.
Waldemar Mazul
8814 Springaren 71 - November 1997

1...Rxd3 a 2.Se6# A
1...fxg4 b 2.Rxd5# B

1.Bb1? th. 2.Se6#

1.Qd8? th. 2.Rxd5#

1.Se5! th. 2.Sf3#
1...Rxd3 a 2.Rxd5# B
1...fxg4 b 2.Se6# A
1...Kxe5 2.Bxg7#

There is a reciprocal change between set play and solution, but furthermore there are two tries with thematical mates as threats and two thematical defences as refutations. As a result we get Hannelius and Dombrovskis themes in a classical form. Rich motivation and excellent flight-giving key.

#2 (13+12)

Josef Retter
Uri Avner

8833 Springaren 71 - November 1997

1...f2 2.c4+ K~ 3.d4+ Bd3#
1...e5 2.c3+ Kb1 3.d4+ Bd3#

1.d4! zz
1...f2 2.c3+ Kxb3 3.c4+ Bd3#
1...e5 2.c4+ Kxb3 3.c5+ Bc4#

Reciprocal change in selfmate is based on sequential closing and opening of lines. If I remember correctly, I commented rather harshly when I was writing comments with solutions...

s#3 (11+11)

Udo Degener
8834 Springaren 71 - November 1997

1.Bb5! th. 2.Sf7+ Kxf5 3.Re4! ~ 4.Qh3+ Sxh3#
1...c2 2.Se4+ Kxf5 3.Bd3+ Be5 4.Sf2+ Kg5 5.Sh3+ Sxh3#
1...Bxd6 2.Se6+ Kxf5 3.Bd7+ B~5 4.Sf4+ Kg5 5.Sh3+ Sxh3#

I like very much the defence motive of the 1...c2. The threat, if not of the full length, but at least with the quiet move Re4!, allows Black to defend quietly by threating promotion closing of the first row. In variations White constructs two Siers batteries and fires it with final check from h3.

s#5 (13+9)

Unto Heinonen
8856 Springaren 71 - November 1997

1.Sg5 Sf3 2.Sxf3 Sf6 3.Sd4 Sd7#

1.Sh6 Sg4 2.Sxg4 Se7 3.Sf6 Sc6#

White has to sacrifice his Sh2 as he lacks tempo moves...

h#3 (6+8)

Franz Pachl
8860 Springaren 71 - November 1997

a) 1.Be8 Sxd7 2.Ka4 Sxe5 3.Rb4 Sd3 4.Bb5 Sc5#

b) 1.Rc2 Sxc4 2.Kc8 Sxe5 3.Bd8 Sf7 4.Rc7 Sd6#

Not only echo model mates, but also a nicely matched strategy. Black blocks twice in both solutions.

h#4 (2+9)
b) b5 -» c7

Erich Bartel
8862 Springaren 71 - November 1997

1.Rg5 2.Kf5 3.Rde5 f8G#
1.Re7 2.Ke6 3.R4e5 f8S#

1.Re3 2.Ke4 3.R6e5 f8GI#
1.Rc5 2.Kd5 3.Rfe5 f8Z#

Quite an interesting example of Erich Bartel's standard work featuring usually some (fairy) promotions and further some geometric theme. Here we see sliding block movement (style of famous "15" game) of 2 rooks and king in all 4 phases. Model mates, of course.

ser-h#3 (3+9)
zebra d6, giraffe f4, grasshopper d4
2 solutions
b) h5 -» e2

Horst Böttger
8866 Springaren 71 - November 1997


1.Bf2! Qh8+ 2.Bh4 Qa1 3.Bd8+ Kb4 4.Ba5+ Qxa5 5.Kh3 Qh5#

It is impossiblr to keep the set mate, but precise play of white bishop compels Black to mate another way.

s#5 (3+3)

Tode Ilievski
8867 Springaren 71 - November 1997

1.g1Q 2.Qe1 3.Qxa5 4.Qa8 5.Qxc8 6.Qc7+ bxc7#

1.g1R 2.Rh1 3.Rxh6 4.Rh8 5.Rxe8 6.Re7 fxe7#

Although the position doesn't look nicely, the formal theme shown is unusual and noteworthy - after two different promotions black pieces eat their ways to sacrifice squares as White can mate only by pawn capture.

ser-h#6 (11+9)
2 solutions

Christer Jonsson
8868 Springaren 71 - November 1997

1.Sg5! zz
1...Qa1 2.Rb2 Qa8 3.Rf2 Qh1 4.Sh3#
1...Qh8 2.Rg7 Qa8 3.Ke2 Qh1 4.Sf3#

After block of h1 by black queen there are two different model mates.

#4 (4+2)

Nikolaj Nagnibida
8871 Springaren 71 - November 1997

1.Kb4 Gd3+ 2.Ka5 Rb5#

1.Sc5 Gd5 2.Sa4 Rb3#

Echo model mates are attained in a very simple manner.

h#2 (4+2)
2+0 grasshopper

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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