Spisska Borovicka - 26th theme tourney C 28.8.2014

Peter Gvozdják announces his 26th thematical tourney Spisska Borovicka, competition for all kinds of original problems in 2 moves with antagonistic stipulation (#2, =2, s#2, r=2 etc...). Twins, more solutions, promoted pieces and also all kinds of fairy pieces and/or conditions are allowed.

The following theme is required:

At least one variation in which the defence and mate are played on the neighbouring squares.

(In the example below, thematic variations are shown in bold letters.)

Important: only computer-tested (C+) problems will be accepted.

The judge: Peter Gvozdják.

There are two ways of entering:
  1. You could send the entry by e-mail to Peter Gvozdják at peter.gvozdjak@gmail.com. In that case the entry should be received latest on August 18, 2014.
  2. You could also give your problems at Berne congress personally to Peter Gvozdják. In that case he should have received your entry before Thursday August 28th, 2014, 8.00 P.M.

(Tourney is open for anyone, prizes for congress participants only.)
Michel Caillaud
Juraj Lörinc

1st Prize StrateGems 2003

1...Kd6 2.Se7#
1...Ke4 2.Sf4#

1.LIc7? th. 2.Se7#
1...Kd6 2.Sf4#
1...Ke4 2.Se5#

1.LIe3! th. 2.Sf4#
1...Kd6 2.Se5#
1...Ke4 2.Se7#

Besides having altogether 4 thematical variations for 26th Spisska Borovicka this twomover show two Cyclone themes - Shedey cycle and Rice cycle. Only threat in the first phase is missing from complete Shedey cycle, it seemed impossible in the present scheme. But Peter Gvozdják managed to find appropriate extension of the scheme a few years later, you can find complete (but heavier) position as original in Cyclone 2.

#2 (15+7)
3+2 rook lion, 2+2 bishop lion, 2+0 lion

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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