Award of 21st TT Spisska Borovicka C 16.10.2009

This is the award by Peter Gvozdják of TT that was announced on CCM too.

After the last-year-20th-anniversary tourney, I was quite happy to have six completely new authors in the history of this tourney this year. On the other hand, regrettably, there were several non-thematic entries (Packa Kd1-Ke7 (002): even if trying hardly, I could not find any Cyclone theme here, Mihalčo Ke4-Kc4 (005) or Kf2-Ke4 (005A): just "pseudo"-Cyclone, Murashev Kb1-Ke3 (008): gives a flight instead of taking one). The other positions (Svítek Kh2-Ke5 (006), Ka5-Ke5 (006A), Ka5-Ke5 (007), Kg3- Ke5 (007A)) used, at least for me, completely confused twins.

Very specific situation occured at the Rio congress.

Having the deadline on Friday 9:30 AM, I completed the problems just at the beginning of the delegates' closing meeting (which I have been a part this year) that started at the very time. Normally, if it took some two hours, I would have had enought time to make the ranking. However, the meeting finished just at 3:00 PM which was the exact time of starting the official award ceremony! Which is why I had exactly 0 (zero) minutes to prepare it.

Fortunately, according to the rule that anybody may participate and win, but only congress participants will be given bottle and books, I happily recognized that of the authors of thematic entries the only one was present at the congress, so I simply gave the bottle and book to Valery of Ukraine.

And finished the award later at home. (I was thinking to do so in the plain to London, but there I fell asleep for some 10 hours...)

So, here we go (counted-down, as usually):

(004) (Kopyl)
Shedey cycle with some typical white-King's wizardry.

Honourable Mention:
(001) (Kotesovec)
Lačný in hybrid form. I like the way how Madrasi condition changes everything.

(003A) (Robert)
Shedey in tries, with solution as extra phase. Very nice touch to some existing mechanism, only pity that the real phase does not show really changed mates.

Peter Gvozdják, Rio de Janeiro - Bratislava, October 16-22, 2009.

Valerij Kopyl
21th TT Spisska Borovicka C 16.10.2009

1.Ke6? (2.Sc2# A)
1...Qc5 a 2.Sef5# B
1...Qxe5+ b 2.Kd5[=wQd5]# C

1.Kxc6! (2.Sef5# B)
1...Qc5+ a 2.Kd5[=wQd5]# C
1...Qxe5 b 2.Sc2# A

Shedey cycle

#2 (11+11)
supertransmuting king d7
lion c1, 3+1 grasshopper

Václav Kotesovec
Honourable Mention
21th TT Spisska Borovicka C 16.10.2009

1.Ra1! [2.Rxf2#]
1...Qh8 a 2.Rd7# A
1...Be3 b 2.Qxe3# B
1...Rh7 c 2.Ba5# C
(1...Bxg3 2.Qe3#)

1.Ra1! [2.Rxf2#]
1...Qh8 a 2.Qe3# B
1...Be3 b 2.Ba5# C
1...Rh7 c 2.Rd7# A

Lačný cycle.

#2 (13+11)
Vertical Cylindric Board
a) orthodox
b) Madrasi

Philippe Robert
21th TT Spisska Borovicka C 16.10.2009

1.b8=Q? [2.Sc8# A]
1...Bxe7 a 2.Qf4# B
1...Bxc7 b 2.d8=Q# C
1...Kxe7 c 2.Qc5#

1.f8=Q? [2.Qf4# B]
1...Bxe7 a 2.d8=Q# C
1...Bxc7 b 2.Sc8# A
1...Qxc7 c 2.Sc8#

1.f8=S! [2.Qf4#, Rc6#]
1...Qxc7 2.Qf4#
1...Kxc7 2.Qf4#
1...Bxe7 2.Rc6#

Shedey cycle (in tries).

#2 (12+8)

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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