Award of 20th TT Spisska Borovicka C 5.9.2008

This is the award by Peter Gvozdják of TT that was announced on CCM too.

For the jubilee 20th tourney I have chosen too difficult theme. Even the experts are not of the very same opinion what is a dual avoidance. Then, probably the example was not completely clear, too. The result was I have received only two problems of good quality which I decided to award. (For the next year I promise to give something much simpler.)

Commendations ex aequo:

Honourable Mention: (01) (Quah)
Ukraininan cycle with dual avoidance in variation mates.

Prize: (05) (Lörinc)
Shedey cycle with dual avoidance in solution only. Motivation is interesting, but the fairy means are quite different.

Peter Gvozdják, Jurmala, 5.9.2008
James Quah
20th TT Spisska Borovicka C 5.9.2008

1.BLg4? th. 2.d5# A
1...EQg6 a 2.Bd1# B

1.BLf5? th. 2.Bd1# B
1...EQg6 a 2.Bg2# C

1.EQf4! th. 2.Bg2# C
1...EQg6 a 2.d5# A

Ukrainian cycle

#2 (14+10)
3+1 equihopper, 3+0 bishop lion
2+4 rook lion, 1+0 nightrider lion

Juraj Lörinc
20th TT Spisska Borovicka C 5.9.2008

1.Gh7? th. 2.Sc5# A
1...Sd3 a 2.Bxc2# B
1...Sc4 b 2.Sd4# C

1.nGd2~? th. 2.Bxc2#

1.nGxb2? th. 2.Bxc2#

1.nGd7? th. 2.Bxc2#

1.nGa5! th. 2.Bxc2# B
1...Sd3 a 2.Sd4# C (Sc5?)
1...Sc4 b 2.Sc5# A (Sd4?)
(1...Sxd1 2.Sd4#)

Shedey cycle and white correction.

#2 (9+7+1)
1+1 royal grasshopper, 4+1+1 grasshopper
0+2 kangaroo
paralysing units a6, h8 - f8

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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