Fairies from Probleemblad 4/2000

As I was excited by quality of fairies originals from Probleemblad 3/2000, I analysed also the originals from Probleemblad 4/2000. In my opinion they weren't of so high mean level, but surely e.g. F190 or F196 are very good.
Ruud Beugelsdijk
Dirk Borst
Koen Versmissen

F190 Probleemblad 4/2000

1.Bb4? th. 2.c4#, Sf4#
1...Be5 2.Sf6#

1.Kb2? th. 2.Sc3#, Sf6#
1...Re4 2.Sf4#

1.Gd4! th. 2.Gd3#
1...Rxd4, Bxd4 2.c4#, Sc3#
1...Rf3, Rf5 2.Sf4#, Sf6#

Multiple repetition of soft grid motive - defending black piece enters other square in the same grid area. Double threats of tries reappear in solution, keys are excellently changing black lines.

#2 (11+7)
Grid chess
3+1 grasshopper

Bo Lindgren
F191 Probleemblad 4/2000

1.Gc8? Ba7!
1.Ggd5? Rxd5!
1.Gh8? Rf2!

1.Bh6! th. 2.Gf6+ exf6 3.Bf8#
1...Rf2 2.Gc8! ~ 3. Gb8#
1...Bd4 2.Ggd5! ~ 3.Gd7#
1...Sf5 2.Gh8! ~ 3.Gf8#

Main plans from thematical tries work only after preliminary interference.

#3 (8+7)
2+0 grasshopper

Leonid Makaronez
F192 Probleemblad 4/2000

1...Rf5 2.Sg4+ Bxg4 3.Gd2#
1...Bf5 2.Sd5+ Rxd5 3.Gd2#

1.Gf5! th. 2.Sc2+ Sxc2 3.Gc3#
1...Rxf5 2.Sd5+ Rxd5 3.Gd2#
1...Bxf5 2.Sg4+ Bxg4 3.Gd2#

Reciprocal change. The idea is simple - in set play f5 must be occupied, in solution it must be vacated. The mate is 4 times the same (it surely isn't plus) antibattery mate thematical for 6th TT CCM.

#3 (14+10)
4+1 grasshopper

Mike Prcic
F195 Probleemblad 4/2000

1.Kd5 LEf4 2.Ke5 LEd2#
1.g2 LExh1+ 2.Kc7 MAe5#
1.Kd7 MAe5+ 2.Ke7 MAg6#

Varied chinese mates - little unity.

h#2 (6+7)
leo e4, vao h2, h3, mao g4

Mario Parrinello
F196 Probleemblad 4/2000

1.Rxg5+ Kxb4+ 2.Rc5 Gg6#

1.Bxd6+ Kxb5+ 2.Bc5 Gg2#

Complex strategical theme, Zilahi, Grimshaw unpinning. Beautiful.

h#2 (9+12)
3+1 grasshopper

Luigi Vitale
F197 Probleemblad 4/2000

1.Kb6 Sb7 2.Kc7 Ba5+ 3.Kc8 Sd6#
1.Bc7 Bc3 2.Kc5 Sc6 3.Kd6 Bb4#
1.c3 Sc6 2.Kc4 Se5+ 3.Kd4 Bc5#

NoCaptures is used variably in 3 solutions, again little unity, as in F195.

h#3 (4+6)
No Captures

Janos Buglos
Laszlo Zoltan

F200 Probleemblad 4/2000

1.a1Q Sxh5[Rh1]+ 2.Rxh5[Sg8] Sf6=
1.a1R Sxa5+ 2.Rxa5[Sb8] Sc6=

1.h1Q Sxa5[Ra1]+ 2.Rxa5 [Sb8] Sc6=
1.h1R Sxh5+ 2.Rxh5[Sg8] Sf6=

Reciprocal change of 1st white moves on Q and R promotions. Whole play shows switchback and round trip in every solution. Stalemate position is in fact always the same.

h=2 (9+7)
Madrasi, MirrorCirce
b) a2 -» h2

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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