Pinned piece unpinned and pinned again 4

This is the fourth special example file for the 25th TT CCM C 5.5.2009.

In the previous file we have seen ser-h=17 by Gaspar J. Perrone. It used multiple black kings under Rex Multiplex conditions. However there are many less fairy examples with similar idea of unpinning and repinning the pieces on various lines aimed at bK. Some of the seven problems quoted below aim at multiple promotions, some at the strategy.

Matti Mylliniemi
2nd HM feenschach 1972

1.Qh3 2.Bb8 3.Sg7 4.Sh7 5.Qd3+ Kxd3=

1.Qf8 2.Sg7 3.Sh7 4.Bb8 5.Qc5+ Kxc5=

1.Qb2 2.Sh7 3.Bb8 4.Sg7 5.Qb5+ Kxb5=

The only multiphase problem. The strategy of three solutions is fully analogous: black queen moves to one pin line, allows complete cyclic rearrangement on three pin lines and then is sacrificed to the wK opening indirect battery.

ser-h=5 (7+6)

Francisco Salazar
The British Chess Magazine 1979

2.c1S 3.Se2 4.Sf4 6.g1S 7.Se2 8.Sd4 9.b1S 11.Sd5 15.b1S 16.Sc3 17.Se6 18.Sf8 gxf8S=

Perhaps the very first of the listed problems I have seen already in 1989 when reproduced in the article in Sachove Umeni column. I can still remember my amazement at seemingly very easily shown 1+4 knight promotions.

ser-h=18 (7+9)

Jasper van Atten
1st Prize Die Schwalbe 1986

1.Qf4 2.Be4 3.Qf6 4.Sc4 5.Rb6 6.Re5 7.Sc5 8.Qxc6 9.e6 10.Qd5 11.Rd6 12.c6 13.Bc7 14.Bb6 Bxb6=

Another problem from the same article, here there are no promotions, rather there is built a middleboard coffin for bR and bQ.

ser-h=14 (7+12)

George P. Sphicas
Michael Neumeier

after Vilmos Schneider
2nd HM StrateGems 2001

1.exd1S 2.Se3 3.d1S 4.Be1 5.c3 6.c2 7.b1S 8.Sd2 9.c1S 10.Sd3 11.Ke2 12.S1f2 13.g1S Sxe3=

Five black knight promotions. By chance I have judged the StrateGems 2001 tourney and I liked the problem a lot at the time. I have emphasized in the award relatively short length for five promotions.

ser-h=13 (7+9)

Zdenek Oliva
Branko Koludrovic
Josip Pernaric

2nd Prize 23rd TT Problemkiste 2002-03

1.c1S 2.Sd3 3.Se5 4.exf2 5.f1R 6.Rf5 9.g1B 10.Be3 11.Bg5 12.Bf6 16.gxh2 17.h1B 18.Bc6 23.d1Q 24.Qd7 25.Qe8 fxe8Q=

AUW with one additional promotions to B and Q.

(Originally there was black pawn on g7, but Zdenek Oliva have pointed that there should be rather white pawn there.)

ser-h=25 (11+10)

Daniel Meinking
2nd Prize StrateGems 2003

1.Sa6 2.Bb8 4.Kb6 5.Sd6 6.Sb5 13.Kxh3 20.Kb6 21.Sd6 22.Sb7 24.Ka8 25.Ba7 26.Sb8 Rc8=

And now for something different. White could stalemate Black immediately if ph3 was not there. To remove it, the path for bK has to be provided by multiple shields and everything is then returned back.

ser-h=26 (6+7)

Zoltán Laborczi
G. Bakcsi 75 JT 2008

1.Re5 2.Bg5 3.Sc4 4.Be4 5.Rd5 6.Sce5 7.Bg6 8.Rf5 9.Be7 10.Sf6 11.Be8 dxe8Q=

This problem was selected as one of Chess Base Christmas puzzles. What is special about it? Perhaps the try starting from the same halfpin, but with the other halfpinned piece making the key. but 1.Se5? etc. is one move too long, fortunately.

(Thanks to Zoltán for sending the position as the specific example for the TT.)

ser-h=11 (6+8)

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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