My works 386 - 390

Reto Aschwanden, Juraj Lörinc, Prize 8th TT CCM C 15.1.2002, Notes: C100 Sent: 386, fairy #2 can be found here.

Another position made by me & Reto during his visit to Bratislava in 2001. I have proposed the idea - 4-fold Grimshaw by B-R pair - and a rudimentary version of scheme. Then we sat together and worked on the possible motivation. One evening I went to sleep sooner and in the morning Reto has shown me almost finished position. Good achievement, I think.

Personal rating: B.

Juraj Lörinc
4685 Phénix 131, VII-VIII 2004
Notes: 811 Sent: 387

1...Sd2{If2} 2.Qg6{Ig1}#, Sa1{Id1}#
1...Kd5{Ig1} 2.Kc4{Ih1} zz Kc6{Ig2} 3.Sb4{If4}#, Sd4{Ih4}#

1.Rg5{Ig1}! th. 2.Kc4{Ih1} zz Sd2{If2}+ 3.Se1{Ih1}#
1...Se3{If3} 2.Sxe3{Ih4}+ h2{Ih3} 3.Sd1{Ig1}#
1...Ke6{Ig2} 2.Sd4{Ih4} zz Ke7{Ih5} 3.Rb8{Ih8}#

Diagram position is full of tense, in fact, it is white-to-play. White really plays :-) and his first move (give-and-take) changes everything completely, keeps tense and introduces varied play without common elements.

Personal rating: C.

#3 (5+5+1)
imitator h1

Juraj Lörinc
Michal Dragoun

H0966 StrateGems 29, I-III 2005
Notes: C047 Sent: 388

1.Re4 Qxf5 2.Ka4 Qb5#
1.Rd5 Qxe3 2.Ka5 Qxa3#

1.Re4 Qxe3 2.Rg8 Qh6#
1.Rd5 Qxf5 2.Rh7 Qf8#

Reciprocal change of W1 after the same B1. I have found the scheme during composing for A. Onkoud JT, Michal has finished it. In the tourney we got nothing as reciprocal changes were ruled out, so the original was sleeping for some time. Later I uncovered a few problmes with the theme by Z. Labai and in CJF's Broodings. After some e-mail discussion, we have submitted the problem to one of the current leading world magazines. It got published quickly.

Personal rating: B.

h#2 (2+8)
b) b4 -» h8

Michal Dragoun
Juraj Lörinc

9042 feenschach 152, VII-IX 2003
Notes: C088 Sent: 389

1.Nxh2(nLIh8) nNe4 2.LOxe4-f3(nNe8) Kxe8(nNe1)#

1.CAxh2(nLIh8) nCAf3+ 2.LOxf3-e4(nCAf8) Kxf8(nCAf1)#

One of problems with neutral units made in one series in 2001. This one had originally very different scheme, but Michal has changed it and finished. The main point is in mating moves, they are captures by wK, and reborn neutrals cannot jump away.

Personal rating: C.

h#2 (1+9+5)
Circe, 5 neutral units
nightrider c3, g4, locust c6, g2
camel e3, c4, lion h2, g1

Juraj Lörinc
9056 feenschach 152, VII-IX 2003
Notes: C097 Sent: 390

1.POa2 & 1.Rb6 2.TRc6 3.TRc3 4.POc6 5.POc5 6.Rb3 POxb3-c4#

1.POb2 & 1.Rc6 2.TRd6 3.TRd3 4.POd6 5.POd5 6.Rc3 POxc3-d4#

1.POc2 & 1.Rd6 2.TRe6 3.TRe3 4.POe6 5.POe5 6.Rd3 POxd3-e4#

3-fold echo of marine checkmate. Originally composed for Mark Ridley JT, this problem got nothing probably thanks to its schematism.

Personal rating: D.

1 -> ser-h#6 (2+4)
poseidon b1, d7, triton h6, g6
3 solutions

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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