My works 270 - 275

Juraj Lörinc
after Eckardt Kummer & Torsten Linß
2nd HM Ukrainian-Slovak competition C 31.8.1999 - fairy section
Notes: 978 Sent: 270

1.OAg6? th. 2.OAe2# A
1...f7~ 2.OAd2# B

1.OAe7? th. 2.OAd2# B
1...f7~ 2.OAc2# C

1.OAe6! th. 2.OAc2# C
1...f7~ 2.OAe2# A

Ukrainian cycle. The scheme of the problem is in fact only geometrically transformed idea of two German problemists, whose position had 13 pieces. This thematical tourney for Slovak and Ukrainian composers asked for fairy #2 with at most 10 units on the board and was judged at the meeting of Slovak and Ukrainian composers near Mukachevo by Jurij Gordian and Juraj Brabec.

Personal rating: C.

#2 (6+4)
Vogtlaender chess
3+0 moarider
0+1 rook lion, 0+2 bishop lion

Juraj Lörinc
1st Prize Ukrainian-Slovak competition C 31.8.1999 - fairy section
Notes: 979 Sent: 271

1.BHd1? th. 2.LIb5# A
1...BHg4, RHg4, LIg4 2.-, LIb7# C, LIb6# B

1.RHe5? th. 2.LIb6# B
1...BHg4, RHg4, LIg4 2.LIb7# C, -, LIb5# A

1.BHh7! th. 2.LIb7# C
1...BHg4, RHg4, LIg4 2.LIb6# B, LIb5# A, -

My already beloved theme - carousel change with the missing mate in the function of the threat, thus giving le Grand theme between any two of phases. I discovered it probably in my join 1st Prize in Brabec 60 JT, here it is shown with 10 units only!

Vogtlaender chess seems to be generally underused, his possibilities are immense!

Personal rating: A.

#2 (5+5)
Vogtlaender chess
1+1 lion (b1), 1+1 rookhopper (g5)
2+1 bishopper

Juraj Lörinc
1st Comm Ukrainian-Slovak competition C 31.8.1999 - fairy section
Notes: 984 Sent: 272

1.Rc4! zz, 1...Ke8, Kg8 2.Re4#, Rg4#

b) white bishop c3
1.Bf6! zz, 1...Ke8, Kg8 2.GTd6#, GTh6#

c) white knight c3
1.Sd5! zz, 1...Ke8, Kg8 2.GTe7#, Se7#

d) white grasshopper c3
1.Gh3! zz, 1...Ke8, Kg8 2.Gh5#, Ge6#

e) white double grasshopper c3
1.DGc6! zz, 1...Ke8, Kg8 2.GTf6#, DGg4#

f) white gral (alfil+rookhopper) c3
1.GRc8! zz, 1...Ke8, Kg8 2.GRc6#, GRe6#

g) white moose c3
1.Mb8! zz, 1...Ke8, Kg8 2.GTd7#, Md7#

h) white nao c3
1.NAe4! zz, 1...Ke8, Kg8 2.NAa6#, GTf6#

Forsberg-type twinning gives Z-82-2(15), it looks like record expression in miniature. Despite literally no strategy I liked this idea.

Personal rating: B.

#2 (4+3)
Haaner chess
girlscout f5, 1+2 dummy
twins see solution

Ladislav Salai jr.
Juraj Lörinc

1st HM Ukrainian-Slovak competition C 31.8.1999 - fairy section
Notes: 973 Sent: 273

a) 1.Sf6! g5 2.BLe4#
b) 1.Sf4! g5 2.BLe4#
c) 1.Se3! g5 2.BLe4#
d) 1.Sc3! g5 2.BLe4#
e) 1.Sb4! g5 2.BLe4#
f) 1.Sb6! g5 2.BLe4#
g) 1.Sc7! g5 2.BLe4#
h) 1.Se7! g5 2.BLe4#

Wheel of white knight in keys. The alternative tries are refuted by jump of nonparalysed black bishop lion. The idea came from Laco and we worked on it in Panda, cafe, where we meet together and with Juraj Brabec.

Personal rating: D.

#2 (4+5)
Madrasi RI
2+3 bishop lion
b)-h) BLh8 -» h2, g1, a1, a3, a7, b8, f8

Juraj Lörinc, "Eclipse '99", 2nd HM Lipskie Centrum Kultury C 1.9.1999, Notes: 980 Sent: 274, fairy #2 can be found here.

I commented the problem widely after the appearance of the award, so there is no need to repeat things written on the above given page. Nevertheless as time passed, many new problems showing Cyclone themes appeared, using very wide set of fairy conditions and elements. Reto Aschwanden is one of the most active and successful composers in this field and thus it brought me some pleasure to read his positive comment about this Eclipse problem. As also above given problems using Vogtlaender chess show, there is some potential in it, just look at some awarded problems in thematical tourneys of CCM: 1st Prize in 5th TT CCM, 1st HM in 5th TT CCM, 2nd Comm in 6th TT CCM - B. I'd like to make it more popular than it is now...

Personal rating: A.

Juraj Lörinc
F1873 The Problemist May 1999
Notes: 869 Sent: 275

1.Rb3(Ih4)? th. 2.Qe2(Ig4)+ (2...Sb2 3.Kd5, Kxc5#)
1...c3(Ih3) 2.Kd5(Ih2)! (th. 3.Qd2#, Qd3#)

1.Rb1(Ih2)! th. 2.Kd4(Ih2)! (th. 3.Qd2#, 2...Kc3 3.Qc3#)
1...c3(Ih1) 2.Qe2(Ig1)+ (2...Kc4 3.Ke5#)
1...Kc3(Ig2) 2.Qg1(Ih1)! (zz, 2...Kb4 3.Ke6#)

One of the strangest renderings of well known le Grand theme - reciprocal change of the threat and variation attack after the same defence. - I've ever produced or even ever seen. I was partially inspired by beautiful complete Lacny cycle in with imitator, done by Vaclav Kotesovec in 1986. Yet his position was crowded and my aim was to create something lighter. I succeeded - you see 275 is meredith and all white pieces, including wK, play actively.

Personal rating: B.

#3 (4+6+1)
imitator h6

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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