Helpmates with twin by moving black king 7

Here are king-twinned helpmates that got distinctions in competition Bakonyoszlop '98. For other look at 1, 2, 4, 6, these by Torsten Linß are referred in 5, some opinions of composers you can find here.

Janos Csak was the judge.
Sven Trommler
3rd HM Bakonyoszlop C 30.4.1998

a) 1.d6 Sxg6 2.c6 Bb6 3.Re6 c4#
b) 1.Re5 Sg2 2.c5 Ba5 3.d5 c3#

Representing of Black & White pawn moves with Black battery play and line opening of the first moving piece.

Very fresh idea of movement of whole line of black units 1 or 2 squares together. If only Re7 could be pawn...

h#3 (6+9)
b) d5 -» d4

Efren Petite
Comm Bakonyoszlop C 30.4.1998

a) 1.Rb7+ Qb2! 2.Be5 Qc3 3.Bb8 Qa5#
b) 1.Rg4+ Qc3! 2.Bf6 Qb2 3.Bg5 Qh2#

Simply motivated, but nice tempo moves by white queen. Of course, far echo model mates.

h#3 (2+8)
b) a7 -» h4

Christer Jonsson
Comm Bakonyoszlop C 30.4.1998

a) 1.Ba8 Bb7 2.Bd4 Bg2 3.Be4 Bxf1#
b) 1.Ra3 Rb3 2.Be5 Rg3 3.Rf3 Rxg4#

Well known anticritical manoeuvres doubled in echo diagonal-orthogonal!

h#3 (8+9)
b) d3 -» f4

Vlaicu Crisan
Comm Bakonyoszlop C 30.4.1998

a) 1.Qe4 Be5 2.Qc6 Bf6+ 3.Kd6 Be7#
b) 1.Qd6 Re5 2.Qd3 Rf5+ 3.Ke4 Rf4#

Again echo diagonal-orthogonal, here the main feature are white Grimshaw unpins, unfortunately second mate is not model.

h#3 (6+4)
b) e6 -» f4

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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