Antibattery mates in selfmate 2

This is the second special example file for 34th TT CCM.

This selection shows various ways of constructing the antibattery configuration. Sometimes the rear piece is already in the diagram position prepared on the right place, but often it has to arrive there. Especially in longer selfmates this can lead to varying mates.
Jorge M. Kapros
3rd Prize TT Problemista 1990

1.Rxd5! th. 2.Sd8+ Sxd8#
1...Ga2+ 2.Rd2+ d5#
1...Gb3+ 2.Rd3+ d5#
1...Gc4+ 2.Rd1+ d5#

The key provides a new guard on c5, thus allows forcing a mate from knight battery. Black responds by repelling wR from d5, but this means cross-check from rook battery, followed by antibattery cross-check by pawn arrival on d5.

Although the mating move is always the same, the antibattery check is always given by different grasshopper. Moreover, there is triple avoidance motivated by opening of the three first ranks, making white choose always the right rook move.

White economy is very good, but the number of black pieces is quite high.

s#2 (6+18)
0+3 grasshopper

Markus Ott
Hans-Peter Reich

Die Schwalbe 1991

1.Ra5! th. 2.rGd4+ d5#
1...rGa7 2.Re5+ a5#
1...Gb4 2.Gc6+ Gb3#
1...d5 2.Rc6+ Bb4#

The combination of royal grasshoppers and Madrasi Rex Inclusiv seems to be very fruitful. Note that check by one royal grasshopper to the other royal grasshopper means at the same time paralysis of the checked one, thus the composer need not care about potential flights. Also, such check can be parried by check by any grasshopper to the checking royal grasshopper, thanks to resulting new paralysis. I would say it is worth of further investigation.

s#2 (5+13)
Madrasi Rex Inclusiv
royal grasshoppers a4 - d7
2+3 grasshoppers

Peter van den Heuvel
3rd Commendation feenschach 1995

1.Sf4! th. 2.Sd5+ Sxg4#
1...EQc7 2.EQa4+ Sc6#
1...EQc3 2.EQ2a4+ Sc4#
1...EQe7 2.EQ6g8+ Rd6#
1...EQd4 2.EQec2+ Rb6#
1...EQe1 2.EQ2g8+ Rd3#
1...Rdd4 2.EQec2+ Rb6#
1...b6+ 2.Rxb6+ Rxb6, axb6#

Although the content is quite complex, only the first two variations are important from the antibattery point of view. After setting the rear black antibattery piece on c7/c3, white gives double check by his own equihopper to a4. Linemover Rf6/Bf1checks by line opening, equihopper over Sa5. Black can parry the double check by the knight, removing the hurdle and closing the check line. But move to c6/c4 means antibattery check to wK!

s#2 (10+15)
3+3 equihopper

Michel Caillaud
Special Prize Wola Gulowska 2006

1.Sb3! zz
1...e1Q 2.PAc3+ Qe5#
1...e1R 2.Sd4+ Re5#
1...e1PA 2.PAdd4+ PAee5#
1...e1B 2.LExb7+ Sxb7#
1...e1S 2.PAe3 Sd3,Se6#
1...e1LE 2.LEd4+ LEc3#
1...e1VA 2.LEbd2 Se6#

Promotions to queen, rook and pao lead to the "same" antibattery mates to e5. However, the white moves forcing the checkmate are skillfully differentiated.

s#2 (14+13)
5+1 pao, 1+1 vao, 2+0 leo

Sven Trommler
Franz Pachl

1st HM 14th TT harmonie 2009

1.Sd5! th. 2.Qe8+ Kf5 3.Se7+ Ke4 4.Sg8+ Kf5 5.Sxh6+ EQxh6#
1...EQxe3 2.Qe6+ EQe5 3.Sf6+ EQxf6 4.Rc3+ Kd4 5.Qb6+ EQxb6#
1...EQb4 2.Sf6+ Ke5 3.Se8+ Ke4 4.Sd6+ EQxd6 5.Qe8+ Kf5#
1...EQf4 2.Sc3+ Kd3 3.Sb1+ Ke4 4.Sd2+ EQxd2 5.Bc2+ Kf3#

And now something more complicated. There is no black antibattery in the threat and the first variation, however White still makes Black construct a position with check by equihopper over another black piece, with active play of wQ.

But if Black defends by EQd4 to b4 or f4, White forces placing black EQ on d6 or d2 by three consecutive wS jumps and finally makes bK act as hurdle of royal antibatteries.

Very nice example (by our judge by the way).

s#5 (13+8)
1+4 equihopper

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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