My works

Here I am trying to present all my compositions in the chronological order - but chronological in a very special way. It is explained on Explanation page. At the end of building this page it will contain a few orthodox twomovers, threemovers, helpmates and selfmates and a huge number of fairies, some of them 'hard core'.

The comments are made by me (unless otherwise stated) and express my feelings during composing, ideas worked out, feelings when I received awards, cooks and whatever is connected with particular composition in question. There are again criteria for these comments - my belief they will be of any interest to reading people and the fact they came to my mind during writing them. Personal rating is explained on Explanation page too.

My first opus
How I started? Of course, with twomover! (Added 10.8.1998)
My works No. 2-5
2nd part from the series showing all my published compositions (first was 'My first opus'). It contains 2 #2, h#, joke problem.(Added 10.8.1998)
My works No. 6-12
3rd part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 2 h#, joke problem, 2 Anticirce, ser-h# and =2 with fairy pieces. Last two were found incorrect: Theodor Tauber cooked ser-h#, Christian Poisson proved =2 has no solution. (Modified 21.9.1998)
My works No. 13-23
4th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains s#, 4 joke problems, Madrasi, 2 Anticirce, 2 ser-s#, h# with locusts. There was one undeserved distinction indicated... (Modified 9.4.1999)
My works No. 24-30
5th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 3 h#, Madrasi, 2 fairy #2, fairy =52. (Added 12.8.1998)
My works No. 31-38
6th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains h#, ser-=9, #2 with chinese pieces, 4 fairy h#, s#23 in Patrol chess. (Added 13.8.1998)
My works No. 39-45
7th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains h#, Anticirce, fairy h=, proof game in Patrol chess, fairy s#3 and 2 fairy h#2. (Added 13.8.1998)
My works No. 46-53
8th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains h#, h#2 with grasshoppers, 3 Anticirces, joke problem and 2 maximummers with fairy pieces. One of maximummers already cooked by Christian Poisson... (Modified 14.9.1998)
My works No. 54-61
9th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains h#2, #3 circe, fairy semir#4, #341 Madrasi, very fairy series direct mate and 3 fairy #2. (Added 7.9.1998, modified 23.2.2002)
My works No. 62-69
10th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains #2, s#2, 2 #3, 3 h#2 and fairy #2. (Added 7.9.1998)
My works No. 70-75
11th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 2 fairy #2, 3 Degradierung problems and r#2 in Bratislava chess. (Added 7.9.1998)
My works No. 76-81
12th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains #2, 2 #2 with grasshoppers, 2 problems with neutral pieces and unsolvable r#2 Anticirce. (Modified 13.10.1998)
My works No. 82-87
13th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 2 fairy retros and 4 h# in köko with mooses (one with added Haaner chess). (Added 14.10.1998)
My works No. 88-92
14th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains r#2 in Republican chess, 2 h#2 in Andernach chess, s#3 with locusts and h# with köko and Haaner chess. Two Sachova Skladba distinctions inserted. (Added 14.10.1998, modified 13.9.2002)
My works No. 93-98
15th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 4 various fairy h#2, ser-h# köko, h# köko. (Added 14.10.1998, modified 19.1.2002)
My works No. 99-104
16th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains #2 with grasshoppers, seriesmover in Haaner chess, h#3 with mooses in köko, #5 in Patrol chess, h#2 in Degradierung and semi-r#2 in Republican chess. (Added 27.11.1998)
My works No. 105-111
17th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 7 fairy problems on 3x7 board. (Added 14.12.1998)
My works No. 112-116
18th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains some of my very best works: 2 fairy #2, semi-r#2 in Republican chess, r# in Patrol chess and very fairy s#. (Added 18.1.1999)
My works No. 117-122
19th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains #2 with grasshoppers, 2 s#2 with grasshoppers, h# Köko, hs# and Degradierung =2. (Added 18.1.1999)
My works No. 123-128
20th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 2 fairy h#2, h= with grasshoppers, very fairy s#, fairy endgame and joke problem. (Added 18.1.1999)
My works No. 129-133
After longer time we are back with:
21st part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 2 fairy h#3, 2 problems on cylindric board (h#2 and retro) and Anticirce seriesmover. (Added 9.4.1999)
My works No. 134-137
22nd part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains h#15 with many fairy elements, r#2 in Symmetry Circe, #2 with orphans and s#4 with royal lion. (Added 16.4.1999)
My works No. 138-144
23rd part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 2 longer fairy h#, h#2 with Spiralspringers, 2 fairy h##, h#3 Maximummer and s#8 Maximummer. (Added 26.7.1999, modified 19.1.2002)
My works No. 145-150
24th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 2 longer h# with imitator, h#3 with lions, 2 h#2 with orphans and #2 with orphans. (Added 26.7.1999)
My works No. 151-156
25th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 2 Köko Maximummer selfmates, h#2, s#2 with many fairy pieces, h#3 with No captures condition and r#2 in Circe RI, Madrasi RI with mostly Chinese pieces. Uff! (Added 18.8.1999)
My works No. 157-164
26th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 2 fairy #2, fairy #4, #12 with chameleons, h#2,5 in Circe Parrain with leos and lions, h#4 with lions, h#6,5 with chameleons in double maximummer and really heavy fairy r#2. (Added 30.9.1999)
My works No. 165-169
27th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains series selfmate with grasshoppers, 2 selfmates in Circe, h#3 with only two kings on board (fairy, of course) and s# with Köko + Maximummer combination. (Added 30.9.1999)
My works No. 170-174
28th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains #2 in Patrol chess with grasshoppers, #4 with imitator, h#2 with neutral pieces, h#3,5 in Köko with moose and hard fairy doublemate. One distiction added. (Added 6.10.1999, modified 10.11.2002)
My works No. 175-180
29th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains two #3 with Chinese pieces, #3 with Imitator, s#10 in Patrol chess, long seriesmover with erlkings and retro problem in Patrol chess. Unfortunately s#10 in Patrol chess is cooked as reported by Torsten Linß. (Added 22.10.1999, modified 14.6.2000)
My works No. 181-185
30th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 3 h#3 with grasshoppers, and 2 longer helpmates with fairy pieces. (Added 6.12.1999)
My works No. 186-193
31st part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 8 problems with less than 5 pieces and showing possibilities of the following fairy elements: grasshopper, Circe, transmuting king, fers, lion, nightrider-hopper, Anticirce, Sentinells, mao, moarider, rose lion, Maximummer, Haaner chess, Köko, royal piece. (Added 10.1.2000)
My works No. 194-198
32nd part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 5 problems mostly experimenting with combinations of many fairy elements, but 2 of them are simpler, one showing echo mates with lions and other exploring Knight Spirits possibilities. (Added 9.5.2001)
My works No. 199-204
33rd part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains h#2, two h#2 Circe, h#4 in Köko, #2 with paralysing units and hs#3 with chameleons in Andernach chess. (Added 30.8.2001)
My works No. 205-209
34th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains orthodox h#2, #2 with vao and pao, #2 with paralysing units and two hr#3,5 in Köko with fairy pieces. (Added 26.9.2001)
My works No. 210-216
35th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 3 seriesmovers with fairy pieces, h#3 with rookhoppers, h#7,5 with fairy pieces, very fairy h#4 and #2 in Patrol chess with fairy pieces. The first problem corrected. (Added 18.11.2001, modified 28.11.2001, 10.11.2002)
My works No. 217-221
36th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains #2 Circe with rookhoppers, h#3 Köko with neutral lions, long h# with Imitator, #3 with locusts and transmuting king and h#11 with various fairy pieces. (Added 28.11.2001)
My works No. 222-229
37th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains orthodox s#28, ser-h#7, ser-dr#23 non-stop, two #2 with fairy pieces, s#2 in Madrasi, h#2 with lions and #11 in Köko with lion and wazir. (Added 3.1.2002)
My works No. 230-236
38th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains only 3 new problems and also links to 4 my problems already published on CCM. There are 3 #2 with transmuting king and other fairy pieces, #2 with nonstop equihoppers, orthodox h#3, h#3 with grasshoppers and ser-dr#11 non-stop. (Added 19.1.2002)
My works No. 237-241
39th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 4 new problems and also link to 1 my problem already published on CCM. There are 2 h#2 in Patrol chess with grasshoppers, 2 #2 with equihoppers and #2 Isardam B. (Added 16.2.2002)
My works No. 242-250
40th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 4 new problems and also link to 5 my problems already published on CCM. There are 3 orthodox h#2, 2 orthodox h#3, 2 h# with orphan, h#3 with imitator and #3 with various fairy pieces. (Added 23.2.2002)
My works No. 251-255
41st part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 2 #2 with grasshopper and transmuting king, #2 with pao and paralysing units, h#2 with orphan and h# with grasshopper and transmuting king. (Added 1.4.2002)
My works No. 256-260
42nd part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains #2 with Kamikaze chess and fairy pieces, s#2 with Andernach chess, s#32 with forced squares, h#2 with orphans and very fairy h#4. (Added 8.5.2002)
My works No. 261-269
43rd part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains r#2 with grasshoppers, r#2 in Anticirce, seriesmover Circe Madrasi with wazirs and 6 links to problems already published at various places of CCM. (Added 15.6.2002)
My works No. 270-275
44th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 4 fairy #2 with at most 10 pieces, #3 with Imitator and 1 link to problem already published at CCM. (Added 25.6.2002)
My works No. 276-283
45th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains #2 in Patrol chess, #2 with Circe and lions, #2 with many fairy elements, h#3 with grasshoppers and 4 links to problems already published at CCM. (Added 20.7.2002)
My works No. 284-289
46th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains orthodox r#2, #2 with paralysing units, two #2 in Vogtlaender chess and Sentinelles, s#2 in Madrasi RI and h#2 in Symmetry Circe with locusts. One distinction added. (Added 11.8.2002, modified 16.9.2002, 10.11.2002)
My works No. 290-294
47th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains h#2 in Madrasi, h#2 with various lions, seriesmover in Ghost chess, h#3 with imitator and very fairy #2. (Added 10.11.2002)
My works No. 295-301
48th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains orthodox h#2 and h#4, #2 with paralysing units, h#2 with siamese units, h#2 in Republican chess, h#5 with imitator and grasshopper and #10 in Köko with nonstop equihopper. (Added 7.12.2002)
My works No. 302-308
49th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 3 s#2 with chinese pieces and links to 4 h#2 with grasshoppers and nightriders. (Added 28.12.2002)
My works No. 309-313
50th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 2 orthodox h#3, hs#3 with Andernach chess and chameleons, h#5,5 with mao and moa, very fairy h#6. (Added 5.1.2003)
My works No. 314-319
51st part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains #2 with patrol units, s#2 with Chinese pieces, 3 h#s in Köko with fairy pieces and 1 link to older problem. (Added 15.3.2003)
My works No. 320-325
52nd part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains orthodox h#4, h#2 in Circe, #2 with paralysing and Chinese units and a very fairy double-mate. Also 2 links to older problems. (Added 6.4.2003)
My works No. 326-331
53rd part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains orthodox #3, #2 in Einstein chess and #3 with bishop lions and rook lions. Also there are 3 links to older problems. (Added 14.9.2003)
My works No. 332-337
54th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 2 orthodox s#2, #2 in Vogtlaender chess, #3 with kangaroos and #2 in Black No Captures with many fairy units. Also there is 1 link to older problem. (Added 21.9.2003)
My works No. 338-342
55th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains orthodox s#3, orthodox h#2, h#2 with various fairy pieces and #2 with grasshoppers and chinese pieces. Also there is 1 link to older problem. (Added 30.11.2003)
My works No. 343-347
56th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 2 echo problems in Köko, s#2 in Anticirce and ser-h#4 in Patrol chess. Also there is 1 link to older problem. (Added 19.12.2003)
My works No. 348-352
57th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 2 problems with 3-fold echo in Köko, #2 with combined leapers, h#2,5 with grasshoppers and h#2 in Andernach chess with transmuting king. (Added 7.2.2004)
My works No. 353-357
58th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains orthodox h#4, s#2 with nightriders, h#2 with nightriders and rook lions, h#2,5 with nightriders and quite fairy h#5 in Köko. (Added 4.3.2004)
My works No. 358-362
59th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains orthodox #2, two h# with Köko+Maximummer combination and two other h# in Köko. One distinction added. (Added 2.4.2004, modified 1.12.2004)
My works No. 363-367
60th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 5 helpmates using the combination of Köko & Checkless chess with various fairy pieces. (Added 25.9.2004)
My works No. 368-371
61st part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains 2 helpmates with neutral fairy pieces, #4 with Imitator and unsound illegal cluster with vaos. (Added 1.12.2004)
My works No. 372-375
62nd part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains orthodox h#2, h#3 with grasshoppers and h#2 vith various neutral units. Also there is 1 link to other problem already published on CCM. (Added 11.12.2004)
My works No. 376-380
63rd part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains s#2 in Anticirce, h#4,5 in Köko with scylla, #2 with fairy pieces on board 10x8 and two h#2 with various neutral units. (Added 6.2.2005)
My works No. 381-385
64th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains ornamental fairy problem, #2 in Vertical Mirror Circe with fairy pieces, #2 with leo, nao and hoppers and hs#4 with less usual marine pieces. It also contains link to one my problem already published at CCM. (Added 30.10.2005)
My works No. 386-390
65th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It contains #3 with imitator, orthodox h#2, h#2 in Circe with neutral units and seriesmover with marine pieces. It also contains link to one my problem already published at CCM. (Added 14.8.2007)
My works No. 391-396
66th part from the series showing all my published compositions. It took quite long time to restart publishing my problems. Hopefully it would be more frequent from now on. This part contains #2 in Anticirce with marine pieces, #4 with lion, two h#2 with various neutrla pieces, #10 with two lion types and h#4 with a lot of fairy elements. (Added 18.1.2010)

Comments to Juraj Lörinc.
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